Distance Education and Martial Arts
Want to learn a martial art but live in a remote or regional area with a lack of services?
Maybe you are a shift worker or have a fly in, fly out occupation that means you can’t attend regular class times?
Are you an introvert that would rather learn privately, with a friend, and not in a large group?
Maybe the art you are passionate for is not located near you?
How about you just want to learn in your own time and at your own pace?
Online Curriculum
At Fitlife Martial Arts we have developed numerous online courses and events to allow you to check any of the boxes listed above. The global pandemic and regular lockdowns meant we had to pivot and find ways to keep our members active and moving forward on their respective martial arts journeys. This meant learning how to deliver our martial arts online. We now have the ability to train people no matter where they are in the world! Whether you want better health and longevity, wellbeing and vitality, a steadfast mind, stable emotions, a resilient spirit, the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones, self development as a leader and inspiration to others in your community – we can help you!
Our Sifu Marc Webster is a 6th Degree red sash Master of Circular Tong Long (the highest graded rank worldwide of this artform under 9th Degree gold sash Grandmaster Henry Sue). Sifu Marc also has a background in traditional East Asian Medicine and Jing Fang Chinese Herbal Medicine. He is a practitioner and teacher of Zen Shiatsu. His passion for Chinese Martial Arts has lead him to study Xing Yi Quan, Bagua Zhang, and many forms of Qigong. Sifu Marc takes the role and title of Sifu to heart and ensures he provides quality input for his students whether he delivers live or online classes. You train with me for a day, I am your Kung Fu father for life.
If you are looking for a mentor that will encourage your self development on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels then Sifu Marc can provide what you are looking for!
Our club has many instructors that will assist you, whatever pathway you choose.
Approach to Online Learning
We cultivate a family-oriented, community-focused environment and this filters through all of our classes – live and online. We have the online videos for you to watch anytime and anywhere. You will have access to join live classes and you can arrange private lessons with either an instructor or with Sifu himself.
If you are doing our Kung Fu program then it is highly recommended to have at least one other person training with you to get the most out of the art. There are many two person exercises for this training.
Get Started
When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the next best time? TODAY!!
Contact us today to find out more and get started.
Want to know more? Check out our article discussing real exercise and where to get it.